Im März 2021 ist bei Springer der Sammelband „EU-India Relations – The Strategic Partnership in the Light of the European Union Global Strategy“ erschienen.

Das Buch untersucht den Status quo und die Potentiale der Beziehungen zwischen der EU und Indien. Indem es konzeptionelle Ansätze und Schlüsseldimensionen der strategischen Partnerschaft – darunter Handel, Klimapolitik und Entwicklungszusammenarbeit – analysiert, vermisst es die Aussichten auf eine vertiefte Kooperation. Abschließend werden Handlungsempfehlungen für die Weiterentwicklung der Partnerschaft zwischen Indien und der EU gegeben.

Herausgegeben wird der Band von Philipp Gieg, Timo Lowinger,  Manuel Pietzko, Anja Zürn und Gisela Müller-Brandeck-Bocquet vom Jean-Monnet-Lehrstuhl am IPS Würzburg sowie von Ummu Salma Bava von der Jawaharlal-Nehru-Universität in Neu-Delhi.

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India and the European Union bear a particular responsibility: as international relations change, not least because of the global COVID-19 pandemic, the two largest democracies in the world have the unique potential to jointly demonstrate that trusting cooperation and mutual understanding are both indispensable and fruitful—all the more so in the context of increasing national egoism and disregard for the fundamental principles of multilateralism.

This realisation is not new. Believing in the necessity and mutual benefit of close cooperation, India and the EU struck a strategic partnership in 2004. But resounding success in forging closer bilateral ties and promoting an inclusive, rules-based global order has proved elusive. Since 2016, however, the EU’s Global Strategy has offered new opportunities for a restart of European foreign policy, envisaging new partnerships and recalibrating existing ones. On India’s part, too, changing stances have presented new openings—with New Delhi criticising protectionism and calling for a strengthening of multilateralism.

This timely book scrutinises the status quo and the future potential of revitalised EU-India relations. By exploring and analysing conceptual approaches to and key dimensions of the strategic partnership, including trade, climate policy and development cooperation, it evaluates the prospects for future cooperation. Lastly, it offers policy recommendations for advancing the partnership between India and the EU.



India and the European Union: A Growing Responsibility to Cooperate in a Changing World
Gisela Müller-Brandeck-Bocquet, Philipp Gieg, Timo Lowinger, Manuel Pietzko, and Anja Zürn

Europe’s Strategic Autonomy and the Partnership Approach
Giovanni Grevi

Conceptual Approaches to EU-India Relations

Norm Contestation in EU Strategic Partnerships: The Cases of Civil Society Involvement and Climate Justice in EU–India Relations
Timo Lowinger, Anja Zürn, Philipp Gieg, and Manuel Pietzko

What Strategies Can Do for Strategic Partnerships: Lessons from the EU’s Strategy on India
Henrik Chetan Aspengren and Axel Nordenstam

Putting the Partnership DNA to the Test: Partnerships in the EU Global Strategy and the Consequences for India 
Manuel Pietzko

Dimensions of the Strategic Partnership

A Partnership Between Two Large Elephants? Opportunities and Challenges in India–EU Relations
Pascaline Winand

The European Union–India Strategic Partnership: An Examination of the Economic Aspects
Sangeeta Khorana

Determinants and Impediments of the EU-India Bilateral Trade and Investment Agreement: The Proof of This Old Pudding Is in the Eating
Nicolas Köhler-Suzuki

Low-Carbon Development: An Idea Whose Time Has Come—Unlocking Climate Cooperation Between India and the EU
Kirsten Jörgensen

India’s Climate Diplomacy Towards the EU: From Copenhagen to Paris and Beyond
Dhanasree Jayaram

India and the EU’s Approach to Development Cooperation: Talking the Talk or Walking the Walk?
Siddharth Tripathi

Future Cooperation and Global Potentials

From Destroyer to Preserver? The Evolution of India’s Position Towards the Liberal International Order and Its Significance for the EU–India Strategic Partnership
Patryk Kugiel

Multilateralism in a Changing Global Order: Prospects for India–EU Cooperation
Manasi Singh

Between Competition and Cooperation: The EU Global Strategy as Means to Reinvigorate EU-Indian Cooperation?
Neil Winn

Policy Recommendations: How to Move Forward?

Global Trends to 2030: A European Perspective on Challenges and Choices for the EU-India Strategic Partnership
Stefania Benaglia

Perception of the EU in India: A ‘Europe House’ Is Missing in European Public Diplomacy
Patryk Kugiel

“The EU Should…!”; “India Needs…!”: Parapublic Underpinnings to Realise Global IR in Policy Analysis of EU–India Relations
Timo Lowinger

India and the European Union: A Partnership for Joining Forces on the Global Scene—Concluding Remarks and Outlook
Ummu Salma Bava

Bibliographische Angaben

EU-India Relations – The Strategic Partnership in the Light of the European Union Global Strategy
Philipp Gieg / Timo Lowinger / Manuel Pietzko / Anja Zürn / Ummu Salma Bava / Gisela Müller-Brandeck-Bocquet (eds.)

Erschienen 2021
Springer, Cham
377 Seiten
Sprache: Englisch
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-65044-5
ISBN: 978-3-030-65044-5